Here are four ways to instantly boost your revenue. If you’re a beginner and just now starting a blog, you’ve most likely found it a bit frustrating and almost impossible to generate even ten dollars. Pushing the revenue line to the right can almost make you give up hope at times if your blog isn’t producing any income. Whether you’re just starting to learn about adsense or affiliates, or in the process, here are four ways to instantly generate or boost revenue. Don’t give up hope just yet until you’ve implemented these simple shortcuts.
1. Connect your blog to social networking sites – If you haven’t already, you should start connecting your blog or blogs to, if not all, the most popular social networking websites operating today. Social networks can provide great promotions and open a door for more traffic while allowing you to connect with others who is after the same thing you are. Some of today’s most popular social networking sites include:
2. Provide quality sites/content – Providing quality content will also boost revenue, assuming your ads are placed in the right spots. You can create 1,000 websites/blogs that provide contents by the quantity and still find that you are only making at most ten dollars a day, risking the fact that you might violate adsense terms and conditions. The fact is that you can’t create an empire by increasing the quantity of websites/blogs or your contents, but by increasing quality of your contents. When you provide your readers something they know will benefit their website/blog, and have 1,000 website that’s able to replicate the same results, you will have then created an empire that will continuously generate high revenue for you.
3. Apply for more advertisement and affiliate programs – Google’s adsense is a great way to start out for all bloggers, but it isn’t the only way to generate revenue on your blog. With today’s technology advancement, many other ad/affiliate programs are trying to compete with one another, including Google’s adsense. You’ll find other programs that are willing to pay you more for clicks and imps than Google’s, but always watch for bogus programs. Here are some of today’s most popular advertising and affiliate programs.
These programs have been tested and proven to generate revenue, however, some may require approval before you actually start working with them.
4. Connect with other bloggers – Connect and network with other bloggers, better yet, start working with some of them. It’s a great way to make a name for yourself on the web and drive more traffic to your website/blog. By helping other bloggers, you are, in turn helping yourself to create a network and even friends. Ideas can be combined and recombined to create a unique product or service that the whole world might just find interesting, even rendering some blogs that provide the same product or service obsolete.
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