The Accordion Content script enables you to group contents together and reveal them upon demand when the user clicks on their associated headers. Gives the admin an option to specify
whether only one content within a group should be open at any given time and also the ability to stylize headers depending on a content’s state. Furthermore, the script allows persistence so the state of the contents is preserved within a browser session. This script enlists the help of the jQuery library for it’s engine.
Click here to see the demo
Step 1: Add the code below right before this code: ]]></b:skin>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ddaccordion.js">
* Accordion Content script- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML
* This notice must stay intact for legal use
<style type="text/css">
.mypets{ /*header of 1st demo*/
cursor: hand;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 2px 5px;
border: 1px solid gray;
background: #E1E1E1;
}.openpet{ /*class added to contents of 1st demo when they are open*/
background: yellow;
}.technology{ /*header of 2nd demo*/
cursor: hand;
cursor: pointer;
font: bold 14px Verdana;
margin: 10px 0;
}.openlanguage{ /*class added to contents of 2nd demo when they are open*/
color: green;
}.closedlanguage{ /*class added to contents of 2nd demo when they are closed*/
color: red;
<script type="text/javascript">
//Initialize first demo:
headerclass: "mypets", //Shared CSS class name of headers group
contentclass: "thepet", //Shared CSS class name of contents group
revealtype: "mouseover", //Reveal content when user clicks or onmouseover the header? Valid value: "click", "clickgo", or "mouseover"
mouseoverdelay: 200, //if revealtype="mouseover", set delay in milliseconds before header expands onMouseover
collapseprev: true, //Collapse previous content (so only one open at any time)? true/false
defaultexpanded: [0], //index of content(s) open by default [index1, index2, etc]. [] denotes no content.
onemustopen: false, //Specify whether at least one header should be open always (so never all headers closed)
animatedefault: false, //Should contents open by default be animated into view?
persiststate: true, //persist state of opened contents within browser session?
toggleclass: ["", "openpet"], //Two CSS classes to be applied to the header when it's collapsed and expanded, respectively ["class1", "class2"]
togglehtml: ["none", "", ""], //Additional HTML added to the header when it's collapsed and expanded, respectively ["position", "html1", "html2"] (see docs)
animatespeed: "fast", //speed of animation: integer in milliseconds (ie: 200), or keywords "fast", "normal", or "slow"
oninit:function(expandedindices){ //custom code to run when headers have initalized
//do nothing
onopenclose:function(header, index, state, isuseractivated){ //custom code to run whenever a header is opened or closed
//do nothing
})//Initialize 2nd demo:
headerclass: "technology", //Shared CSS class name of headers group
contentclass: "thelanguage", //Shared CSS class name of contents group
revealtype: "click", //Reveal content when user clicks or onmouseover the header? Valid value: "click", "clickgo", or "mouseover"
mouseoverdelay: 200, //if revealtype="mouseover", set delay in milliseconds before header expands onMouseover
collapseprev: false, //Collapse previous content (so only one open at any time)? true/false
defaultexpanded: [], //index of content(s) open by default [index1, index2, etc]. [] denotes no content.
onemustopen: false, //Specify whether at least one header should be open always (so never all headers closed)
animatedefault: false, //Should contents open by default be animated into view?
persiststate: false, //persist state of opened contents within browser session?
toggleclass: ["closedlanguage", "openlanguage"], //Two CSS classes to be applied to the header when it's collapsed and expanded, respectively ["class1", "class2"]
togglehtml: ["prefix", "<img src='' style='width:13px; height:13px' /> ", "<img src='' style='width:13px; height:13px' /> "], //Additional HTML added to the header when it's collapsed and expanded, respectively ["position", "html1", "html2"] (see docs)
animatespeed: "fast", //speed of animation: integer in milliseconds (ie: 200), or keywords "fast", "normal", or "slow"
oninit:function(expandedindices){ //custom code to run when headers have initalized
//do nothing
onopenclose:function(header, index, state, isuseractivated){ //custom code to run whenever a header is opened or closed
//do nothing
Note: The code above references 1 external .js file, which you need to download below (right click/ select “Save As”)
Step 2: Navigate to Layouts > Page Elements > Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript and Insert the sample code below into it’s box:
<h2>Example 1:</h2>
<a href="#" onclick="ddaccordion.expandone('mypets', 0); return false">Expand 1st header</a> | <a href="#" onclick="ddaccordion.collapseone('mypets', 0); return false">Collapse 1st header</a> | <a href="#" onclick="ddaccordion.toggleone('mypets', 1); return false">Toggle 2nd header</a><h3 class="mypets">Tips</h3>
<div class="thepet">
<img src=""/>
A growing online creative community for all Blogger users.
</div><h3 class="mypets">Tutorials</h3>
<div class="thepet">
"Blogger made easy, so you can get on with the better things in life"
</div><h3 class="mypets">Templates</h3>
<div class="thepet">
Free Blogger tutorials, templates, widgets, designs, icons, and fonts.
</div><p><a href="currentpage.htm?mypets=2">Reload page and select the 3rd content using a URL parameter</a></p>
<h2>Example 2:</h2>
<a href="#" onclick="ddaccordion.collapseall('technology'); return false">Collapse all</a> | <a href="#" onclick="ddaccordion.expandall('technology'); return false">Expand all</a><div class="technology">What is our company overview?</div>
<div class="thelanguage">
A growing online creative community for all Blogger users.
</div><div class="technology">Our mission?</div>
<div class="thelanguage">
"Blogger made easy, so you can get on with the better things in life"
</div><div class="technology">Our products/service?</div>
<div class="thelanguage">
Free Blogger tutorials, templates, widgets, designs, icons, and fonts.
</div><p><a href="currentpage.htm?technology=0,1,2">Reload page and select the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd contents using a URL parameter</a></p>
Note: Save the work and view your template.
*Tutorial completed
ck ck ck ... onmouse hover that can opened
ReplyDeletedynamic drive right...xixixixi
@beben you're welcome and yeah the script is from - they have a lot of other scripts over there too if you wanna check them out
ReplyDeletemay be you'll have try too. You want try it