Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How to add a “bookmark this site” hyperlink

From this tutorial, you will be able to add a hyperlink for readers and visitors to easily bookmark your website for later use.


You will need these file(s) for this tutorial:

box_zip_thumb23 bookmarkthis.js

0128[6]You will need to upload these files to your server.

To add a “bookmark this site” hyperlink:

1. From your Blogger dashboard, navigate to Layouts and then Edit HTML.

2. Under Edit HTML, add the following javascript right after your opening head tag.


<script src='…/scripts/bookmarkthis.js' style='text/javascript'/>





3. For the next step, you will use this link form to link any text or image of your choice to have the browser automatically trigger the bookmark function.


<a href="javascript:bookmarksite('YOUR WEBSITE NAME GOES HERE', 'http://www..YOUR-URL-HEREcom')">Bookmark this site</a>





4. You should preview your blog first to see if all codes have been implemented correctly. If so, save your template and you’re finished.


1 comment:

  1. i think we can just do...
    CTRL + D
